Friday, December 28, 2012


2012. What a year. The world didn’t end. My world got shaken up some here and there but overall, I would have to say it has been one of the most beautiful years I have had the fortune of living. It’s going to be a hard one to beat, but I have got all the faith in the world that 2013 will be. Remarkable.

A big kiss on the mouth to say good-bye to so much; thank you 2012.

1. If you find yourself in a relationship with someone that you think has potential, end the relationship. It doesn’t do any good to hope that somewhere down the line this person will evolve into a person who isn’t even real. Instead, find a person  who has flaws that you believe actually are the reason why they are beautiful. Be appreciative of the people who walk beside you on your life journey for all that they are in the present moment.

2. There is a little good in everyone. If you ever come across someone who you believe is pure evil, take it as a personal challenge to find something exceptional about this person. It will make you better. Everyone roots for David; no one roots for Goliath.

3. The best gift that we could possibly give ourselves is to love others. The best gift that we could possibly give others is to love ourselves.

4. Ignore the people who tell you not to sweat the small stuff because what may seem small to them may be monumental to you. No one’s problems are necessarily easier or harder than anyone else’s. We are all fighting our own battles, demons, and self-imposed limitations. Besides, sometimes a little sweat is healthy and necessary; it reminds us that we are working hard.

5. If ever you feel as though you are too small for your big dreams, maybe you are. The only logical approach to overcome such a dilemma is to grow.

6. There comes a point where personal happiness is a choice. You won’t always be able to choose what obstacles you  meet along your life journey, but there is always a choice. Once you realize that you, and no person or thing, are accountable for your actions, you will find that you can navigate your path with more fluidity and tranquility.

7. There is a profound sense of beauty in a balanced life.

8. The world is a living breathing being as well as a profound and ever prosperous source of inspiration. When we realize this, we can attain a sense of interconnectedness with all things that can truly free us from attachment of that which does not truly matter.

9. Don’t give up faith. It a few years, all that surrounds you now will probably make a lot more sense. Keep moving forward and trust your journey.

10. Pursue what makes you feel alive. If you haven’t found it yet, don’t do yourself any injustices by doing something that feels sufficient. Only monumental pursuits of passion can elevate us to do amazing things.

11. People are people. And there are certain rights that are simply put, human rights. Believe that there is an element of humanity that exists within us all, no matter how many layers deep it may be. The fact that we use pieces of paper and metal to determine worth is fucking absurd. Believe in the power of humanity. We argue so often over “issues” and the reason that they don’t get “solved” is because they aren’t issues at all. They’re people. Take care of each other.

12. Don’t allow the way you see the world to be so confidently dismal that you end up desiring your fears just to prove that you are right. Be humble, be flexible.

13. There are occassions in which relationships need to get ugly, really ugly, until you can begin to heal from what has happened in the past. Sometimes you’ve got to peel away layer after layer until the relationships is raw and vulnerable. Only then will you be able to repair the hurt that has been caused. When something has gone up in flames and burned to dust, it can be reborn into something new. And perhaps even beautiful.

14. Don’t do yourself any diservice when life throws you curve balls; do not ask for an easier life but rather ask that you be made stronger. Don’t focus on manipulating all that is around you. Simply focus on how you can endure and allow each experience to assist you in constant evolution.

15. Each day is another opportunity to grow. There isn’t a day that will come where growth is no longer necessary. We all have our vices, our pasts, our insecurities. We certainly all have felt intense pain. Don’t let these be excuses, to stop acheving growth.

16. Consider each person you meet along your growth journey as someone that can help you learn about yourself, about the world, about a brand new perspective. If they scare you, maybe that’s good. It is easy to be alone. What’s really hard is to surrender your shortcomings to someone else. That doesn’t mean you’ve got to put this person in a category marked “forever.” But. See the good in people and help them grow. And give yourself the kindness of allowing those people to help you, too.

17. There are occassions where having a plan is severely overrated. Sometimes that which matters the most. Is the next right step. One foot after the other. The rest will come

sincerely from,

1 comment:

  1. yaa ~ mee too , its a year that shakin' my brain untill it cracked already . :(
